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Betty Ong
American Airlines Flight 11

Flight Attendant

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You were flying in the plane
American 11
Smiling at all
That day, when all wanted to pray.

You were calling for help
Being worried
That day, when all wanted to pray

You were screaming
before the plane hit the North Tower
That day, when all wanted to pray

I was crying
after I saw what happened
That day, when all wanted to pray

Betty, this is a poem for you by me! I never knew you, but your story moved me and still does move me!

R.I.P flight attendant Betty Ong, and R.I.P all 9/11 victims

Rachel A

I just watched something on 9/11 on the history channel in which they played the tape of betty ong's phone call. She was so brave and stayed so calm. Im at a loss for words

Mike Murphy

What an incredible woman. I really wish I had known Betty Ong. She is a hero. There's a better place than this, and Betty is there now. God Bless.

Leslie C. Daniels

Darling, you were a very brave and beautiful woman. You will always be a hero to me


God has his reasons for everything. She was brave beyond words, and we will always remember her, and honor her.