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Lt. Robert D. Cirri
World Trade Center, New York City, NY
Employer: Port Authority Of New York And New Jersey

Nutley, NJ 
Age: 39
Police Officer

To post a memory, prayer, or offer words of encouragment, click here.

Dr. Shaun Hansen

Do not know you Robert but somehow I DO know you. I decided to research one name on the memorial and was blessed to hear of your story. After my experience at Ground Zero, I found an NYPD officer and had my picture taken with him after telling him that him and all his fellow officers are legends and heroes where I live (Utah). The Lord said that no man has greater love than the man who dies trying to help his fellowman. My belief is that people like Robert are they who will inherit Eternal Life.

John Brinkers To Bob's family , I attended the same school as Bob and was very s

To Bob's family , I attended the same school as Bob and was very saddened to hear what happened. I must say I am not surprised he gave his life to save someone else. All of my memories of Bob were of him wanting to be a police officer and helping anybody at anytime unconditionally. Bob was a born hero and was one of the bravest people I have ever met. Rest in Peace Bob and look over your family knowing we have all learned from your example. Your friend forever John.

Isabella Jendryszek Kocienski

I can't believe it's been 10 yrs since this horrible day ... I know that you are in heaven ... And watching over all your loved ones .. You will always be in our hearts .. God Bless!

Julie Binning

Hello, my name is Julie Binning and I have a 15 year old son, Henry. Since 09-11, my son has been like a sponge, reading, watching and listening to everything that he can get his hands on about that horrible day. I believe that he has almost every book that has been published on the subject, has many, many documentaries, and has subsequently become an expert on reciting facts of anything related to 09-11. Henry sang with the St.Louis Childrens choir and actually had the honor of singing at Carnegie Hall 2 years ago, a tribute to those who lost their lives on that day. It was a symphony by John Adams called, On the Transmigration of Souls. Going to NY City was a dream come true for him; gound zero was the first stop.
The reason I am writing to you is that when I was in New York last week, I visited Groud Zero. People were taking tours of the area. I went in to the small museum where the tour started hoping to pick something up for Henry. He already has every book that they had in the store, so I looked around and saw a bowl filled with blue velvet bags. In the bags were bracelets; each with the name of an individual who died on that day. I thought, "perfect" and anxiouisly picked up one of the velvet bags and purchased it for my son. I did not open the bag, but left it for him to open. In the bag was a bracelet with the name; Robert D. Cirri. Henry wears this bracelet with pride. We have always thought about those affected by that day and have prayed for them, but now we have a name, a name whose family we will continue to pray for. I wanted Henry to e-mail you, but he wasn't quite sure what to say. I just thought that it was so important to let you know this. God's blessings to your family. The Binning family, St. Louis, MO

Ed Dietrich

Robert D. Cirri Family,

I rode on a motorcyle ride today September 6, 2008 in Knoxville, Tennessee for the 911 Remembrance. I just wanted to let you know I had pick Robert's name. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Ed Dietrich


at my school, we were asked to do a project about our heroes. my choice was Robert Cirri.

Jessica Cirri

My father was a great guy. As his birthday & 4 yr anniv. approaches i want to pay respects to my daddy..who i greatly miss..i still cant believe i have been living almost four years of my life without my father. Even though i miss him soo much i still respect him saving people that day. I love you daddy R.I.P <3

Judy Cirri Former Wife

Bob your real children miss you so much Robert Jr. and Jessica, they have your picture next to them it is the last thing they see when they go to sleep and you are the first one they see when they wake up, you were a great father to them they will always have you in their hearts, i will take good care of them and make you very proud as they will always be proud of you. You are a true Hero to us all Miss you Judy Cirri

Robert D Cirri Jr

I miss you So Much Daddy, I never will forget the times we Had together, I LOVE YOU and I KNOW You are ALWAYS with ME.
LOve Forever,
Ur son

Don Holmes,MICP (Friend and coworker)

Bob, you are my friend. We shared so many great times in Medic class, Jersey City and Hackensack. I looked forward to the days you worked with me. We had fun. Like the time we met Richie at White Castle in Woodridge, then made Union City in 11 minutes.

I think of you every day. You will always be there. In my heart, in my memory. I miss you Pal. We will meet again someday.

Brenna Egan

Dear friends and family of Robert Cirri,

I'm 14 years old and I just wanted to let you know that I believe Robert Cirri is a true hero. After September 11, my dad purchased a pack of 9/11 bracelets/dog tags, and I received the one with Robert Cirri's name on it. I want you to know that I have been praying for you every night, and I feel that Robert Cirri is my special hero. When I visited Ground Zero, there were lists of all the heroes, and I always checked to make sure Robert Cirri's name was there. My prayers and thoughts are with you! God Bless America
Brenna Egan

Ptl. Michael Perrotti, Jr.

As a rookie Police Officer with the Edison, N.J. Police Department, I look forward to serving my community with the utmost standard of pride and dignity. However, for as long as I wear that shield upon my chest, and for all the future deeds that I may someday be rewarded, nothing shall provide me greater satisfaction than to honor you, Lt. Robert D. Cirri. You gave the ultimate sacrifice. It's men like you that encourage young boys to be police officers. It's Heroes like you that make all of us proud to be American. I thank you with all of my heart and hope that someday I can be half of the Officer that you were. God Bless Eileen, Jessica, Bianca, and Francesca Marie. God Bless America and may you forever rest in peace.

Jessica (daughter of Robert)

Dear Daddy,

I miss you so much,i cant believe you are gone.You had so much ahead of you to live for.I cant believe your gone,you will never get to walk me down the aisle it wont be the same Not HAVING MY REAL FATHER BE WITH ME ON MY WEDDING DAY! I miss you so much,i will love and keep you in my heart always! You are a true hero! Me and Bobby miss you so much...Im glad to say that you were MY DADDY!!

Love always your DAUGHTER


Bob was my stepfather. He was a loving and caring person. He had a deep passion for his work with the Port Authority and as a Hackensack paramedic. Thank you to the people who started up this website, it was very thoughful of you.

Francesca Marie ( daughter of Robert Cirri)

Dear Daddy,
I miss you so much. It's very sad to realize that you we're supposed to be there for me like to walk me down the aisle when I get married ,to teach me to drive a car, to support me when I become a famouse actress and singer in Hollywood someday.But that won't happen. I love you with all my heart. Even though your not on earth I know that you will watch over me and protect me each and everyday. And that also we will meet agian someday.

Miss you lots,
xox Francesca xox

Eileen Cirri---wife now widow