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Jason Dahl
United Airlines Flight 93


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Rick Aldridge

My belated prayers to the families of Jason Dahl and Leroy Homer, the brave American men at the helm of United Flight #93.


Connie Sieman

Captain Jason Dahl
He was my brother in law and are family will miss you very much. My sister will always love you,and she will carry your memories of you until the day shecomes to be with you in heaven. We shall always be very proud of you Jason because you are a hero. You gave your life for our freedom.

Scott Young

I just want to thank the families and friends of everyone aboard flight 93. I was working two buildings away from the White House last September. Had the people aboard that flight not have done the heroic deed they did, I may not be here today. I just don't know if people realize how many lives those hereos may have saved.

Thank you all.


You have no idea how much you meant to us. Remember how funny we thought it was that my sister and brother-in-law had the same names as your son and daughter? He loved flying with you, Jason. He's only now starting to get used to flying without you. The happiness you brought him means everything to me. Now even little Christopher wants to be a pilot. Rest in peace, my sweet friend, and know how proud we are of you. We miss you desperately, and share memories of you often. You will never truly leave us.

Stephanie, Matt, Jenn, Chris, and Katie

Dan Hatlestad

The family and friends of Captain Jason Dahl have established a schoalrshi fund in his name. Funds will be used to assist with the educational needs o f the children of the flight crews and to provide an annual scholarship to an individual attendin a flight school. DOnations may be sent to:

Captain Jason Dahl Scholarship Fund
Foothills Bank
12644 West Indore Place
Littleton, CO 80127