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Lynn Goodchild
United Airlines Flight 175

Attleboro, MA 
Age: 25

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I continue to pray for the Lord's peace....that peace which defies all human understanding....to all who knew and loved Lynn.

Melisa Goodchild

I just wanted to say I am thinking of you lynn and shawn today. September 11th is just a week away.It is hard to believe that seven years has gone by, I think of you both everyday . I wonder what life would be like if this awfull day never happen. The places you may have gone to all over the world.I met you one time and you made a impack on me as we chatted about your up coming vacation just how happy you were about going..
I know Neil misses you everyday.I just wanted to say that you both are MISSED SO VERY MUCH.GOD BLESS.
Melisa G.


Just thinking of you Lynn on yet another Holiday without you and if I look hard enough in the sky I swear I see that smile in the cloudslove mil


Another Holiday without you Lynn and at Easter we will be praying for you amoung the beautiful flowers so look for me there. love mil


Lynn, you are in our hearts everyday,and we will never forget you,and that beautiful smile that always lit up a room no matter where you were,our love and prayers,Mil & John


You are our Chritmas Angel Lynn, and we keep you in our hearts everyday, love mil


Lynn Goodchild was a 25 year old terrorist victim of 9/11, and I want desperately for people to remember her, so please read on.
I am from Attleboro so this one hits home. I never met Lynn but I am told she's alot like me. I now know her mom, Ellen, and she's so sweet. I also have some friends that knew Lynn.
Even though I never met Lynn, I know just based on videos and photos I've seen of her, and based on how sweet her family is, I know Lynn was very special. I also know this based on a feeling. It seems like I knew Lynn all my life, and I feel like somehow there is some special connection. There are alot of similarities with us. She even once drew a picture of her beloved cat of 16 years, Cricket, much the same as I did of my Grandmother's beloved cat of 5 years, Storm.
Lynn died while on her way to Malibu I think it was with her boyfriend Shawn, from Rhode Island. It was a devastating loss and universal tradgety on 9/11.
Lynn and Shawn's memeory is scattered across the world. The Goodchild's traveled alot, and knew people who love them from as far as England.
Lynn and Shawn, together forever, and forever in our hearts.